
At Daman Games App, we believe in being clear and trustworthy with everyone. This disclaimer is here to let you know about the information we provide and what we’re responsible for.

Information Accuracy and Reliability

The content on Daman Games’ website is shared in good faith for general information purposes. We try our best to keep the information accurate and reliable, but we can’t promise that everything will always be correct or complete. Any decision you make based on the information on our site is your own responsibility. Daman Games won’t be responsible for any losses or damages that happen because of using our website.

External Links Disclaimer

Our website might have links to other websites for your convenience. However, we don’t control the content or nature of these external sites. While we aim to include only good and ethical links, the content on these sites can change without notice. Just because we link to an external site doesn’t mean we endorse or recommend the content there. We suggest you be careful and check the privacy policies and terms of service of these external sites before sharing any personal information or engaging in any activities.

Privacy and Terms of Service

When you leave our website to visit other sites, please remember that their privacy policies and terms of service might be different from ours. We encourage you to review these policies before interacting with them. Our disclaimer is here to inform you about these possible differences.

Your Consent

By continuing to use our website, you’re agreeing to our disclaimer and accepting its terms.

Updates and Amendments

If we make any changes or updates to this disclaimer, we will make sure to post them clearly on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this disclaimer, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for taking the time to read our disclaimer. We appreciate your visit to Daman Games and your effort to understand our policies.